This post may contain affiliate links which help support our blog efforts. So, you're considering working with an e-designer? We've got a few tips for you before you purchase our e-design services. They will having you feeling more prepared and get you going faster. 1. BUDGETBefore you talk to a designer talk to your partner and land on a maximum budget. Need help convincing your partner? On our services page download the "How to Persuade Your Partner" cheat sheet. 2. TIMINGThink about starting a project when you will have time to dedicate to the process. While your designer will be doing all the heavy lifting it is a collaboration. 2. SPLURGESThis is another hot-button for couples. Be sure and talk through both your must-haves and come to an agreement on where to spend a little more and where to save. 2. BEFORE's & MeasurementsSince your designer won't be coming to your home you will need to provide images and measurements of your room. Take at least one photo of each wall. Use this resource for measuring your space. Ready get started?Comments are closed.